CPN 1.0

Developed by Vincent Branders and Patrick Mardulyn
CPN provides a tool for the inference of allele (or haplotype) networks under a global maximum parsimony approach. It should be used in combination with a phylogenetic inference program capable of inferring all most parsimonious (MP) trees from a DNA sequence alignment. CPN reads this set of MP trees and the corresponding DNA sequence alignment, and generates a network graph.
CPN.zip program (Windows version)
CPN.app.zip program (Mac version)
CPN.jar program (Linux and Java version)
Manual&exampleDataFiles.zip manual and examples files
CPN_cmd.zip program (command line version for Java 1.6 and Java 1.7)
For Windows users: CPN.exe is located in the "bin" folder, inside the CPN folder.
It must remain there, but you can easily create a shortcut of the program by right-clicking on it.
How to cite CPN
Branders V, Mardulyn P (In press) Improving intraspecific allele networks inferred by maximum parsimony. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.