phone: +32 (0)2 650 45 11
e-mail: Laura.Albreht@ulb.be
Research interests

Taxonomy – Evolutionary Biology – Genomics – Species Conservation
PhD research project
Species delimitation and evolution of threatened African rosewood species of the genus Pterocarpus
Supervisor: Olivier Hardy (ebe)
For my PhD project, I tackle species delimitation within African populations of Pterocarpus (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae) by integrating genetic, morphological, and ecological data. Additionally, I am working on developing DNA-based identification tools for African Pterocarpus, some of them significant CITES-enlisted timber species.

Albreht L, Bourland N, Klitgård B, Schley R, Janssens SB, Hardy OJ (2024) Species delimitation and phylogenomics of economically important African Pterocarpus trees, with an implication for the development of DNA-based species identification tools.
doi: 10.2139/ssrn.47612494 (preprint)
Demenou BB, Migliore J, Heuertz M, Monthe FK, Ojeda DI, Wiering JJ, Dauby G, Albreht L, Boom A, Hardy OJ (2020) Plastome phylogeography in two African rain forest legume trees reveals that Dahomey Gap populations originate from the Cameroon volcanic line. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 150, 106854.
doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106854

The 6th European Conference of Tropical Ecology (poster) | Czech Republic 2023
20th International Botanical Congress (talk) | Madrid, Spain 2024
The Bean Bag Issue 70 (2023) Pterocarpus and allied genera